Projects carried out and active projects

BGS Agricultural Project
- $4.560.000 (2003)
- $2.280.000 Capital
- $2.280.000 Debt
- - Purchase of 12,000 hectares in the Province of Buenos Aires, in the best agricultural area.
- - Since 2003 up to now, 60% of the hectares have been rented to the most important companies in the area.
- - To date, all the hectares are debt free.
- - BGS Group identified the business, carried out due diligence, organized the company and selected management.
Kind of Transaction
Financing Source
- Financially supported by the sellers.
Description of the Project
- - Since 2003 up to date, EBITDA increased from USD680,000 to USD1,450,000.
- - Since 2003 up to date, the value of the acquired fields increased from USD800 the hectare to USD6,000/6,500 per hectare.
Current State
- - With letter of intent on sale to strategic buyer. Foreseen closing date 06-2012. Probable starting value: USD37,000,000.

Value Creation